I am officially addicted to twitter and my new tweeple. I know, if anyone out there really knew me personally you would know how ridiculous this seems but it is true. It really is very theraputic to have an outlet, and while it seems to have increased my thoughts about women in general, it makes me really look at myself as well. And then, with discovering twitter, I feel like I really have a chance to find someone out there who is like me, even a little.
You can't imagine how awesome it feels to ramble incessestly with people who have similar interests, thoughts, beliefs and ideas as me. People who don't really care if you are anonymous or in your face, people who seem to actually care about your few blurbs about your day, and people who take the time to recommend a series or shoe or whatever it is that you have questions about. Tweeple only care about what you care about. That is the appeal of twitter.com.
When I tweet, people listen. They don't ask who I am or quiz me about my lifestyle or my choices. (Hell, with only 140 characters, who could?) Instead they respond exactly to what I said, and I in turn do the same for them. And I love it. Some tweet more than others, some I have not even seen tweet since I have had my account. But when they do, they suddenly matter to me, and on some level, I feel like I matter to them. Thank you twitter, for helping me find a place, no matter how small and virtual, that I feel just a little bit more like the real me.